Interview with Rocky Ford City Manager Shannon Wallace - Chief of Police HR

Description: Rocky Ford City Manager Shannon Wallace Announces Police Chief Open Application Period.

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Interview with Rocky Ford City Manager Shannon Wallace - Chief of Police HR
This is Adrian Hart with your Southeast Colorado News on We are here at the SECO News Studios with the City of Rocky Ford City Manager Shannon Wallace. How are we doing today, Shannon?
Wallace: I'm doing great. Thanks for having me.
SECO News: Yep. Very good. Good to see you. Lots of stuff going on with the city of Rocky Ford. We wanted to talk about a couple things. What did you have on your mind you wanted to share?
Wallace: I wanted to first let everybody know that we are, do some, doing some restructuring with our police department. Okay. So we have just recently effective yesterday actually did a press release and we have opened up a chief of police position. So we will be looking to fill We are accepting applications through the end of the month. All that information can be found on our website and you'll have that information as well.
SECO News: Yep.
Wallace: There's a few other places that they can find that information.
SECO News: So you can get more information under the Help Wanted section on of course, we'll have the link to apply and all that. You guys have a job description on the website as well?
Wallace: Yes.
SECO News: And you aren't filling anybody's shoes with this hire, right?
Wallace: Correct, so this is a new position to the city of Rocky Ford. We did have a chief of police on duty. He has moved to the deputy chief, so he will be doing the same things that he is doing right now.
SECO News: Okay.
Wallace: We just felt like we needed some older blood in there, some experience to help us navigate where we're at, as we both know that the economy and everything is changing so quickly.
SECO News: Yeah, a great opportunity here to become a part of the leadership.
Wallace: Absolutely.
SECO News: In Rocky Ford's police force in helping serve our community, keeping us safe.
Wallace: Absolutely.
SECO News: Very good. Thank you so much, Shannon.
Wallace: Thank you.
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