Otero College Choir Concert on Monday, May 1 - The Pride of America

Description: The Otero College Choir will present “The Pride of America” concert on Monday, May 1 at 7 p.m. in the Ed Stafford Theatre in the Humanities Center at the Otero College Campus. Admission is free and all are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Published: 04/27/2023
Byline: SECO News

Written by: Dean Rees

Otero College Choir Concert on Monday, May 1 “The Pride of America”

LA JUNTA — Who has not longed for the return of a sense of the greatness of the United States of America? Longed for a time of less division among our people? A time encapsulated by the greatest generation, the generation that held off the forces of totalitarianism and fascism in one of the most dangerous eras in the history of humanity? Who does not long for the America of E Pluribus Unum…United We Stand?

Dean Rees, director of the Otero College Choir, believes that our country’s great patriotic music promotes a feeling of unity and reminds us of the past struggles we have overcome in our history. In that spirit Mr. Rees invites our college, community, and all believers in America to a concert of patriotic and regional music to be performed on Monday, May 1. The concert, entitled “The Pride of America”, will take place at 7 p.m. in the Ed Stafford Theatre on the Otero College campus. There is no admission charge.

After a group representing the American Legion Post 8 presents the American colors, a Native American segment begins the concert: first, the “Eagle Dance” will be performed by members of La Junta’s own Koshare dancers, and then the choir will sing “Spirit of the Winding Water”, a piece based upon a Navajo text. Both presentations recognize the primacy of the “first peoples” on this land and their belief in the oneness and interrelatedness of the land, animals, and people.

A portion of the concert will present music from different regions of our country. “We’ll Shout and Give Him Glory” comes from the American Shape Note tradition of the Northeast and South. “Westward Ho!” features familiar tunes from our part of the country. Next comes the gorgeous spiritual “Deep River”, encapsulating the deep sorrow felt at one time by the slaves of a wide region of America. “Deep River” is followed by a setting of a poem by one of the foremost African American poets, Maya Angelou. That piece, named “United in Purpose”, reminds us that people are stronger when they work together rather than against each other. The words “we are greater!” ring out again and again, “greater than the sum of our parts…United!”

Other choral pieces include “Battle Hymn of the Republic”, “America (the Beautiful)”, “The Folded Flag”, and an extended tribute to our armed forces that features the traditional songs of each branch.

Rob and Colleen Oquist will reprise their contest-winning performance of “God Bless the USA”. Mike Shima will sing a George Cohan medley. Dr. James Lind will play his trumpet for several of the choir’s numbers. Al Guadagnoli plays bass guitar and Aaron Martinez drums. Sally Kappel, our impeccable piano player, will accompany with aplomb. Mr. Rees invites one and all to be a part of this patriotic musical event!


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