La Junta Tiger Cheerleading Clinic - Interview with Coach Renee Good

Description: Learn more about Tiger Cheerleading in this Interview with Coach Renee Good by Catherine Mondragon...

La Junta Tiger Cheerleading Clinic - Interview with Coach Renee Good
By Catherine Mondragon
If you were or are curious about cheerleading or want to join but don’t know yet, well, I asked some interesting questions for curious people. One question cheerleaders get a lot is if cheerleading is a sport. Cheerleaders say yes because we compete and try to make it to state, so yes, it is a sport but everyone has their opinion.
I interviewed Renee Good since she is the coach of the cheerleaders and is in charge of the tryout clinics. There are 32 kids who want to try out but only 24 can make next year’s team.
I asked how the process of the tryout clinics is going and Coach Good responded, “Yes each clinic is provided to introduce skills that will be needed throughout the year, they will learn a tryout cheer and a dance as well as spiriting and jumping.”
Another question I asked was, “What can earn potential cheerleaders points? What do you expect?” Good said that confidence, spiriting, being on count with the group, and being loud will count for the points and what she expects for her 2024-2025 cheerleading team.
Besides the cheer clinics, people wanted to know some other things that I asked. One of them was if Good has an idea for cheers or new dances next year. She answered, “Yes, I am going to try to put together a throwback game cheer or routine that will bring young and old cheerleaders.”
Why did she want to coach cheerleaders and what did she want to change to make them better? Coach Good said she liked seeing active students showing school spirit because the games are exciting and fun, she said she didn’t see that before she started, but when she got the opportunity she didn’t pass it up in 2016 before the football playoffs when she started coaching cheer.
Tryouts for 2024-2025 cheer squad were held on Saturday, May 4.
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