CDOT Announces Hwy 50 + Hwy 71 Safety Improvement Project

Description: According to CDOT, if approval processes move on schedule, work on the project could begin by the end of the year.

CDOT Announces Hwy 50 + Hwy 71 Safety Improvement Project
Last September, Seco News reached out to the Colorado Department of Transportation regarding the safety improvement project at the intersection of US Hwy 50 and CO Hwy 71 in Rocky Ford.
As we promised last September, here is the most recent update on the CDOT safety improvement project at US 50 and CO 71 in Rocky Ford.
From CDOT:
Design of the project to enhance safety at the intersection of US 50 and CO 71 is complete and making its way through the approval process of multiple agencies. Our hope is we will be able to start the project by the end of the year.
The project includes the addition of a signalized intersection and geometric and safety improvements, while working in conjunction with the railroad crossing. The project will also widen CO 71 to add a dedicated southbound turn lane and realign the roadway to match up with Otero County Road 18. The project will also be making changes to improve sight distance in the left turn lane, for both eastbound and westbound traffic.
CDOT understands the community's desire to get this project done as soon as possible and we are working through our processes. Enhancing the safety of the intersection is a priority for the CDOT as well as Otero County. We have been working very closely with multiple agencies to keep this project moving forward. CDOT’s next steps are to continue working on right of way issues along with working through the approval process with the railroad and the Public Utilities Commission. If we can make progress on those items, we will be able to meet the goal of starting construction on the project by the end of the year.
We are in need of the community’s help. Please do your part to make smart choices behind the wheel. Please obey the speed limit, be patient and ensure you have enough space to cross the intersection safely after you have stopped at the stop sign.
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