“Cruisin’ Into Fall” Harvest Festival & “Keep Kids Safe” Fair

Description: Tri-County Family Care Center Presents the 1st Annual Cruisin Into Fall Harvest Festival & Keep Kids Safe Fair Saturday, September 25, 2021 at the Arkansas Valley Fairgrounds.

“Cruisin’ Into Fall” Harvest Festival & “Keep Kids Safe” Fair
News Release
Tri-County Family Care Center (TCFCC) will have their 1st Annual “Cruisin’ Into Fall” Harvest Festival & “Keep Kids Safe” Fair, on Saturday, September 25, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Arkansas Valley Fairgrounds in Rocky Ford, North Main Street.
Rocky Ford Chamber of Commerce will sponsor a breakfast from 8 to 10:00 a.m. Trent Ryan, of Ark Valley Entertainment will emcee the event and provide entertainment, throughout the day.
Entertainers will be Danny Romero, DMINQ, Teagan Summers, Larry Hall, Dwayne Wilson and Holbrook Band. Giving a demonstration will be the Deer Dojo Karate.
New event is a “Cantaloupe Catapulting” contest. New this year is a “Cantaloupe Catapulting” contest at 2:00 pm in fairground arena. For a small fee you can purchase a cantaloupe to be included in the contest and to watch or just to watch. Sponsors are Hollar & Company, Black Hills Energy, Hirakata Farms and 719-SUPPLY. More Info Here: Tri-County Family Care Center’s 1st Annual Cantaloupe Catapulting Contest!!
Kids Games will start at 10 a.m. to include a Duck Pond, Soda Pop Ring Toss and milk jug throw, as well as, other games. There will also be several contests including: Hula Hoop, Jump Rope and limbo in four age categories: 5-8, 9-12, 13-17 yrs and older. Prizes will be awarded to winners sponsored by Rocky Ford Food Market, Arnold’s Barber Shop, Erlinda’s Salon, Tank n Tummy, Pizza Hut, Pueblo Ice Arena, Rocky Ford Sonic, The Spot and Pepsi.
The day’s festivities will include a Pie Eating Contest co-sponsored by TCFCC and Village Inn of La Junta at 4:15 p.m. at the stage. There are four age categories: 6-9, 10-12, 13-15 and 16 yrs and older.
There will be a “Got Wheels?” car show from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with registration starting 9 a.m. at the East side of the Fairgrounds entry from Main Street (Registration Form Attached Below). Show will feature cars of any year, make and model in the following classes: Original, Classic, Muscle Car, Hotrod, Antique, 4 Wheel Drives, Customized, Lowrider, Motorcycle & Lowrider Pedal Bike. People with unusual vehicles are encouraged to bring them to be on display for free. Car show sponsors are Absolute Automotive, H&R Tire, Perkins Chevrolet, Ruby’s Auto Body, Rocky Ford Discount Tire, J & M Liquor, Rocky Farms, C & M Details LLC, Arkansas Valley Coop and Valley Auto Parts. More Info Here: Tri-County Family Care Center - Got Wheels Car Show - Saturday Sept 25, 2021
Care Connect helicopter will land in the Southwest grassy area of the arena at 10 am and be on display until 2 pm. A tractor hayride will be available in that area.
“Keep Kids Safe” Fair sponsors are The State Bank, First National Bank of Las Animas/Rocky Ford/Ordway, Dianne Willhoite, Total Concept, Rusler Implement, Southeast Regional Tobacco Initiative. Children 16 and younger can visit each of our safety booths to receive a sticker for Bingo. Once sheets are filled, they will be entered into a drawing at the registration table by the stage. More Information Here: Tri-County Family Care Center "Keep Kids Safe Fair" Saturday Sept. 25, 2021
Event insurance sponsor is Van Dyk Insurance. Other activities include a beer garden and horseshoe tournament organized by Howard Tafoya, sponsored by American Legion Post #8. TCFCC will sell tickets for a 50/50 cash jackpot raffle to be drawn in November.
For more information about “Cruisin’ Into Fall” Harvest Festival and “Keep Kids Safe” Fair, or to pre-register for any of the events contact Tri-County Family Care Center at 512 ½ N. Main Street, Rocky Ford, 719-254-7776 or email: sarah.tricountyfcc@gmail.com. Participants are encouraged to bring their own sources of shade and seating.
See last year's show Here: Tri-County Family Care Center Cruisin Into Summer 2019 Pics
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