Arkansas Valley Hospice 2021-22 Memorial Wall & Service Livestream

Description: Click or Tap Play to Watch the Memorial Ceremony and Butterfly Release Livestream Coverage. Scroll Down To See The List Of Community Loved Ones Honored During the Ceremony and on the Memorial Wall. (Photo by Ruth Copeland)

Arkansas Valley Hospice Memorial Service & Butterfly Release Livestream Coverage
Community Loved Ones Honored in Memorial Ceremony & Butterfly Release...
Program Schedule:
Welcome: Anita Potter, RN, BSN, Hospice Director
Invocation: Steve Hicks, Bereavement Coordinator
Scripture Reading: Steve Hicks, Bereavement Coordinator
Amazing Grace - Mark Fisher, Steve Hicks, JoEllen Netherton
Candle-lighting: JoEllen Netherton, CNA, Cassie Campos, CNA, Clara Little Light, CNA, Catherine Ramirez, CNA
Remembrance List Reading: Anita Potter, RN, Director, Amber Covington, RN, Mary Walter, RN, Rodley Lastrilla LPN, Beatrice Jones, LPN
Litany of Remembrance: Steve Hicks, Bereavement Coordinator
Benediction / Closing: Steve Hicks, Bereavement Coordinator
2021-22 Community Memorial Wall:
Names in blue link to obituaries...
2. Patti Cau
4. Ricardo Castro
6. Jose Montoya
7. Linda Tomlin
8. Thomas Alley
10. Agnes Wills
11. Lois Stansell
12. Martha Argo
13. Fred Jorbin
14. Ralph Markus
15. Conley Banta
16. Marjorie Wooten
18. Wilma Cline
19. Pamela Greigo
20. Hans Hansen
21. Charlene Snyder
22. Boyd Nelson
23. Jacqueline Davis
24. Ella Burnham
25. Lois Jackson
26. Eloisa Sandoval
27. Lin Chabino
28. Magdalena Medina
29. Wanda Allen
30. Joe Martinez
31. Victoria Mosby
32. Rex Lewis
33. JoAnn Falduto
34. Leslie Horn
35. Wesley Gribble
36. Michael Feltner
37. Bonnie Carlile
38. Sharon Markus
39. William Butler
40. Michael Madrid
41. Clyde Stewart
42. Victoria Florez
43. Fred Justice
44. Mary Andrade
45. Kenneth Williams
46. Lillie Trout
47. Herbert Grasmick
49. John Powell
50. Paul Bowman
51. Marilyn Mast
52. Patrick Zamora
53. Lillie Mock
54. Charles Sullivan
55. Rita Lucero
56. Don Buck
57. Robert Montoya
58. Eleanor Quick
59. Fredrick Jolly
60. Donald Headlee
61. Maria Andrade-Soto
62. Nellene George
63. William Rich III
64. Cynthia Medina
65. Larry Holt
66. George Cary Jr.
67. Dr. William Holm
70. Carla Pirnie
71. Carol Dunbar
72. Billy Boggs
73. Wilfred Tenorio
74. Mary Beth Teeter
77. Charles Nieb
78. William Westwood
80. William Deal
81. Caroline Morlan
82. Della Merwin
83. Michael Freyta
84. Harrison McCune
85. Melvin Moore
86. Alver Walker
87. Gene Long
88. Jeanne Torgler
89. Jay Scott
90. Susan Long
91. Mary Lewis
92. Harold Tomlin
93. Ann Smith
94. Mahlon Smith
95. Bob Smith
96. Olive Tomlin
97. Fae Tomlin
98. James Meehan
99. Margaret Meehan
101. Pamela Joles Blanchard Carlile
102. David Newell
103. Delfa Marine Larena
104. Carol Schultz
105. Rodney Bollman
106. Ruth Bollman
107. Andy Grasmick
108. Duane Castaneda
109. Paul R. Smith
110. Chuck Schollmeyer
111. Ron Grap
112. Jerry Blevins
113. Barbara Rosales
114. Robert Rangel
115. Sherri Rene Butler
116. Tom Walker
117. Rafael Ponce
118. Juanita Ponce
119. Rodney Warren
120. Gordon Moench
121. Kimmi Lewis
122. Ruby Valdez
123. Gloria Tyler
124. Billy Likes
125. Joy Shoup
Learn More About The Arkansas Valley Hospice
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